Rated 4.7/5・100,000+ Sold

Save time, bid accurately & maximise profits

Measure & draw irregular job sites

Calculate area, volume & elevation

Export to PDF, CAD or CSV

Locate & mark points with Layout Mode

Choose your Moasure


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Trusted by thousands of professionals around the world

Meet the motion-based measurement device that contractors can’t stop talking about.

Paid for itself Already

Moasure allows us to simply plot out the project, run our topography, and finalize our runs. After just two and a half jobs, it has already paid for itself in labor and time savings.

Impact Landscape

Landscaping & Remodelling

Verified Review

Winning Twice as many Jobs!

Sending my customers a PDF of the measurements so they can see that they are being charged correctly has helped me win twice as many jobs.

Texan Pride LLC

Residential Contractor

Verified Review

90% Less Measuring Time

We frequently measure playgrounds and this tool took a tedious process and made it simple. In 10% of the time, we can measure and easily communicate the dimensions with our design teams.

Recreation inSites LLC

Residential Contractor

Verified Review

No More Guesswork

Many of the jobs I measure are not easily measured with a wheel. With Moasure I can measure a clients project in half the time as it previously took me and not have to question the accuracy.

Harland Concrete


Verified Review

Exports into DynaScape

Moasure has improved the profits of my projects. Not only am I able to save time measuring sites and collecting elevations, but exporting to DynaScape saves me time in the office too.

Weller Brothers LLC


Verified Review

Intricate Paths are Easy

Whether we are mapping out intricate garden paths, custom patios, or elaborate retaining walls, Moasure ensures that every measurement is spot on, eliminating guesswork and reducing the margin for error.

Globe Green LLC


Verified Review

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100,000+ Moasure units sold across:





Irrigation & Drainage


Artificial Grass



Pool Construction & Design

Difficult measuring made easy

Moasure makes measuring complex shapes a breeze. No GPS, data or line of sight required.

Generate accurate dimensioned drawings while you move.

Effortlessly measure and draw complex areas simultaneously. Simply trace along the edges of an area using your Moasure device to digitally capture the shape and dimensions. Add multiple layers within one measurement to simplify your workflow.

Automatically calculate the square footage and perimeter of a measured area.

Simply measure the perimeter of curved lawns, pools and other irregular spaces with your Moasure device and the perimeter and area will be automatically displayed in your Moasure app.

Measure elevation, determine grade, calculate rise & run.

From measuring complex shapes like sloped lawns or steps, to calculating rise and run or assisting with topographical and flood surveys – difficult measuring is made easy with Moasure.

Generate 3D terrain maps, calculate true surface area, volume, and contour lines.

You can also effortlessly calculate the Cut & Fill, making earthwork projects more efficient and profitable. Whilst the ‘Add Depth’ tool allows you to add custom depth and calculate the required volume of material for a site.

Share measurements with clients, colleagues or your favorite design software.

Generate detailed, scaled PDFs, export to DXF or DWG for CAD applications, manipulate data with CSV exports, or visualize measurements using PNG, JPG and SVG formats.


Stake out points based on entered coordinates.

Simply import your coordinates to the Moasure app and you will be quickly guided to each point to speed up your laying out process.

Choose your Moasure


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Moasure is compatible with:

Powerful in-app tools

Utilize the Moasure app's powerful suite of tools and features to inspect and enhance your measurements.

View in 3D

Moasure captures 3D terrain and provides multiple views in both 2D and 3D formats.

Cut & Fill tool

Calculate the volume of material to add or remove from a site, or determine the level at which to adjust your site for net zero volume.

Organise your files

Save your Moasure files and organise them into folders all within the app.

Labels & backgrounds

Label points of interest and overlay your measurement on an aerial shot of the area to help clients or colleagues visualise your project.

Contour View

Contour view allows you to see the topography of your measurement.

Calculate elevation

Using the cross section view, you can calculate the gradient, angle, and rise and run between 2 points.

Available on iOS & Android

Choose your Moasure


Try it with our 60-day money-back guarantee

Begin your Moasure journey

All it takes is three steps to master Moasure and take fast, accurate measurements.


Get to know your Moasure

We'll send you a getting started guide while your device is on the way. Have a read to understand motion-based measuring, a new way of measuring.


Learn the Basics

Get hands-on with your Moasure device. If you have questions, check out our video tutorials or contact our support team for help with specific features and techniques.


Maximize your profits

Practice using Moasure to become more efficient at accurate measurements. Streamline your workflow, create professional PDFs, and export data to CAD.

Choose your Moasure


Try it with our 60-day money-back guarantee

The Moasure impact

From saving time to winning new jobs, discover the impact Moasure has had on its users.


Reduction in hours spent measuring per week

*Based on April 2024 study of 1,739 experienced Moasure users

Choose your Moasure


Try it with our 60-day money-back guarantee

Made for every job site

The Moasure 2 series is built for your toughest jobs in the harshest environments.

Water Resistant

IP67 Rated.

Measure in rain or snow.

Impact Resistant

Engineered to survive 2m drops onto concrete.


Long-Life Battery

Up to 10 hours of measuring time.

No GPS Required

No Wi-Fi, GPS or mobile data required.

2-Year Warranty

Try it with our 60-day money-back guarantee

Choose your Moasure 2

Start your journey to saving hours of time and thousands of dollars

Highest accuracy

Moasure 2 PRO

€829 excl. taxes

Includes Layout Mode & Dynamic Intervals

Shop Moasure 2 PRO


Moasure 2

€649 excl. taxes

Next generation motion-based measuring

Shop Moasure 2


Shop Moasure 2 Series


Measure & draw irregular job sites

Calculate area, volume & elevation

Export to PDF, CAD or CSV

Accurate to

within ± 0.3%

Accurate to

within ± 0.5%

Moasure 2 PRO:

Linear Distance: ± 0.3% error · Perimeter: ± 0.5% error · Elevation: ± 0.3% error · Area: ±1% error · Volume: ± 1.5% error · Layout ± 1% error

Moasure 2:

Linear Distance: ± 0.5% error · Perimeter: ± 1% error · Elevation: ± 0.5% error · Area: ± 2% error · Volume: ± 3% error · Layout: Not available on Moasure 2

Layout Mode

Moasure 2 PRO Exclusive

Layout Mode enables you to locate and mark points based on a set of predetermined x, y coordinates, with real-time guidance from the Moasure app.

The X2-PRO Inertial Sensor Engine’s enhanced accuracy provides industry professionals with a completely new way to set out.

X2-PRO Inertial

Sensor Engine

X2 Inertial

Sensor Engine

Our X2 and X2-PRO Inertial Sensor Engines leverage accelerometers, gyroscopes, and a second-generation proprietary algorithm to deliver a new and innovative way to measure.

The X2-PRO is our highest-performing engine yet, with six times the measurement processing capability of the X2, further increasing its accuracy.

Dynamic Intervals

Moasure 2 PRO Exclusive

Double the time between pause points for the same level of accuracy as Moasure 2, a feature that is useful for large job sites. Alternatively, you can maintain the standard pause interval time for maximum accuracy.

10 hours' continuous

measuring time

5 hours' continuous

measuring time

Plus, everything else included in both:

Moasure STICK Kit

IP67 Water Resistant


-14°F to 122°F Operating Range

Free Moasure Companion App

Shop Moasure 2 Series


Try it with our 60-day money-back guarantee

100,000+ sold & counting

Once you’ve made the switch to Moasure, you’ll never look back.

Customer Reviews

Based on 561 reviews
Eamonn McMahon
It's a game changer

The concrete work that we provide is concrete yards and driveways. Some jobs are really difficult to measure accurately the moasur one takes all the guessing out of it. Makes measuring for concrete so easy and more importantly you don't miss out on any sqmtr for pricing. Moasure one is up there with one of the best pieces of equipment I've purchased. McMahon construction services

Un appareil de mesure indispensable qui pourrait encore être amélioré pour être parfait

L'appareil est très bon avec une bonne autonomie. Très facile d'utilisation et très intuitif, l'appareil se maitrise après juste quelques essais. L'appareil fait vraiment gagner beaucoup de temps sur une prise de cote classique.

Néanmoins, une fonction qui permettrait à l'appareil d'annuler une mauvaise cote directement pendant la prise de mesure (lorsque l'on s'en rend compte ou lorsqu’elle apparaît en jaune) sans devoir mettre fin à la prise de mesure puis cliquer sur les points à ignorer serait extrêmement appréciable (surtout lorsqu'on a plus d'une cinquantaine de points et que l'on ne se rappelle plus où se trouve le mauvais point à supprimer).

De même, la prise de cote pour les bâtis de porte peut parfois fausser les mesures qui suivent... (notamment lorsque le bâti de porte ou fenêtre est peu épais), peut-être ajouter une fonction "ouverture" serait appréciable.

Mis à part ces points que j'ai relevés, l’appareil est vraiment très bon que j’ai même déjà recommandé à d’autres collègues architectes.

Imprescindible. La mejor y más versatil herramienta para realizar levantamientos.

Llevo usando Moasure One alrededor de un mes, y me ha simplificado y agilizado la toma de datos, ya que son bastante precisas y es muy cómodo exportarlas a dxf para su uso en oficina. Lo recomiendo al 100%.
Como ventajas muy notables, es la simplicidad de uso, se conecta fácilmente a la aplicación móvil y la toma de datos es bastante simple como ir avanzando y Moasure One hace el resto.


Acquistato per ottimizzare i tempi nell'eseguire i rilievi interni ed esterni di immobili, appartamenti e molto altro. Con il tempo si possono migliorare le tolleranze sull'errore finale del rilievo che si effettua!!
Io lo utilizzo accostando a misure effettuate anche con disto laser per migliorare i rilievi.
Molto comoda ed efficace anche l'assistenza che moasure dedica all'utente finale che utilizza il prodotto! Io ho avuto alcuni dubbi durante dei rilievi e mi hanno aiutato in modo molto celere, dandomi consigli per migliorare..
Lo consiglio a tutti!!!
Ancora oggi mi chiedo come fa a effettuare queste misure!!! TOP
Grazie allo staff moasure.

Mi mejor dispositivo de medicion.

Desde que adquirí mi moasure todo ha sido mas sencillo. Mayor rapidez y precisión en mis mediciones, envío de planos en el momento de la medición a oficina tecnica, cotas de desniveles del terreno antes imposibles de medir, solo con topógrafo . Una herramienta que no puede faltar en mi día a día, ademas todo el mundo que la conoce por primera vez, queda encantado y con intención de adquirir el dispositivo. Enhorabuena al equipo Moasure.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Moasure 2 & Moasure 2 PRO

No, there are no ongoing costs or subscription fees.

United States:

Free 3 to 5 day tracked shipping

1 to 2 day express shipping


We ship to over 150 countries with shipping time between 10 to 15 days - see details at Checkout

Export any of your measurements and drawings from the app in any of the following formats:

PDF – export 2D and 3D drawings and measurements

PNG & JPG – export an image file of drawings and measurements

DXF & DWG – export 2D and 3D files (compatible with popular CAD programs like AutoCAD, SketchUp and Vectorworks).

'Layout' mode, exclusive to Moasure 2 PRO, enables you to locate and mark points, simplifying the layout of plans and designs.


100% money-back guarantee

Every Moasure device is tested to ensure it meets our accuracy and precision standards.

Plus, every order comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee as standard.

Thousands of professionals have transformed their workflow with Moasure.

Give it a try and you’ll never look back.

Choose your Moasure


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